Quanta Magazine put together a great story about our lab’s search for axion dark matter. Many thanks to all who worked on this, especially Charlie Wood.
Deniz defends her PhD dissertation
Congratulations, Dr. Aybas! Good luck at UC Berkeley.
Our new CASPEr-e limits on axion-like dark matter are published in PRL
Many thanks for the hard work to Deniz and the entire CASPEr team.
Sasha and Emmy are disassembling the SHAFT apparatus, while observing social distancing
Our paper on 2D synthetic quantum Hall physics is published in PRL
Many thanks for the hard work to: Eric, Phil, and Anushya!
Our SHAFT limits on axion-like dark matter are published in Nature Physics
Thanks for the hard work to Sasha, Deniz, Dorian, and Janos!
Our paper on bosonic dark matter constraints from ultralow field NMR is published in Science Advances
Thanks for the hard work to the entire CASPEr team
Cooling CASPEr-e down to 4.2 K
Our paper on Floquet-engineered qubit quantum state manipulation is published in PRA
Thanks for the hard work to: Eric, Mohit, David, Tolya, and Dries!
Our paper describing the search for axion-like dark matter with a nuclear spin co-magnetometer is published in PRL
Thanks for the hard work to the CASPEr team!